Sistemul antigrindină nu este responsabil nici măcar pentru prevenirea grindinei, darămite pentru secetă…
During the Middle Ages, people in Europe used to ring church bells and fire cannons to try to prevent hail, and the subsequent damage to crops. Updated versions of this approach are available as modern hail cannons. Cloud seeding after World War II was done to eliminate the hail threat,[12] particularly across the Soviet Union, where it was claimed a 70–98% reduction in crop damage from hail storms was achieved by deploying silver iodide in clouds using rockets and artillery shells.[56][57] But these effects have not been replicated in randomized trials conducted in the West.[58] Hail suppression programs have been undertaken by 15 countries between 1965 and 2005.[12][23]
Whether cloud seeding is effective in producing a statistically significant increase in precipitation is still a matter of academic debate, with contrasting results depending on the study in question, and contrasting opinion among experts.[12]
A study conducted by the National Academy of Sciences failed to find statistically significant support for the effectiveness of cloud seeding. Based on the report’s findings, Stanford University ecologist Rob Jackson said: “I think you can squeeze out a little more snow or rain in some places under some conditions, but that’s quite different from a program claiming to reliably increase precipitation.” Data similar to that of the NAS study was acquired in a separate study conducted by the Wyoming Weather Modification Pilot Project. However, whereas the NAS study concluded that “it is difficult to show clearly that cloud seeding has a very large effect,” the WWMPP study concluded that “seeding could augment the snowpack by a maximum of 3% over an entire season.”[2]
oamenii e niște păcătoși, unu nu s-ar duce la biserică să pupe icoanele d-aia e secetă
Cică popii care se roagă pentru ploaie în Moldova, ar face bine să dea coordonatele exacte, fiindcă s-au săturat oltenii de inundații.
RobertD, ai legatura!
Sistemul antigrindină nu este responsabil nici măcar pentru prevenirea grindinei, darămite pentru secetă…
oamenii e niște păcătoși, unu nu s-ar duce la biserică să pupe icoanele d-aia e secetă
Cică popii care se roagă pentru ploaie în Moldova, ar face bine să dea coordonatele exacte, fiindcă s-au săturat oltenii de inundații.